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30th June 2006 - Transport strategy in the East of England was thrown into turmoil last week after an independent inspectors report called for a complete rewrite of the regional transport plan and its policy objectives - reported as Bombshell as spatial strategy rejected. The report - following an examination-in-public of the Regional Spatial Strategy - recommends demand management and climate change mitigation be made key priorities. In a complete rewrite of the plan's policy objectives, the panel recommends the primary regional objective should be "to contribute to a reduction in the region's climate change emissions by reducing growth, and ultimately achieving an absolute reduction, in traffic on the region's road system".

So, building a large development so far out from Cambridge would be totally against the panel's recommendations - as such a site would generate 1000's of relatively long new journeys per day (with major sites of employment being Cambridge and Peterborough, and no rail link). The huge development would also concrete over a vast amount of argricultural land - effectively being the complete opposite of these latest recommendations.

On 22 June 2006 the Ely Standard reported that the Battle Could Be Fought On Home Ground - with the possibility that the inquiry could take place in the Arkenstall Centre, Haddenham. This will give the Government appointed inspector the opportunity to see village life and the traffic congestion on the A10 - neither of which Multiplex seemed to know anything about at the public exhibitions!

The inquiry has been put back to February to allow a suitable venue to be found. It is expected to take up to 24 days - with a large number of public and representatives of organisations expected to attend.

Finally the Milton roundabout road works have been removed - but as reported in the CEN the new layout is 'just as confusing and dangerous'. Over the last three years there have been 31 accidents resulting in injury on the Milton interchange - and it doesn't look as though the new layout is going to improve matters. So what effect will adding a few thousand more cars during rush hour have? Answers on a postcard to David Tucker Associates...